Monday, 23 January 2017

Japanese rice farming

Japan is in the perfect position for rice farming, Japan's average temperature is 26°C (5 degrees above the perfect temperature), with large open places (since the bronze age) and a good rainy season.
Why does this matter? it matters because the way to properly water rice is to basically drown it in at least two inches of water (although some farmers say you can just keep the soil constantly moist) and you need to spread out rice seeds to four inches so you can effectively use your space while still preventing crowding.
The way this effects Japanese culture is because of how difficult rice farming is really difficult so concepts like wa (balance), understanding the context of actions and conscience seeking. This cultural belief system could have originated before the bronze age as well because all of the food they needed was up in the trees, however I am doubtful of this because it makes a lot more since that a culture revolves around seeing people do labour then seeing them get tired from it, being like "wow that guy is lazy" then doing it yourself and thinking "hold on that guy lasted much longer than me I respect that guy" because that would explain the understanding of context and conscience seeking parts all stemming form guilt everyone felt for thinking "oh this looks really easy... wait never mind I was wrong"

Friday, 13 January 2017

Hello, I'm Mark McHugh, this is my blog about the effect Geography has on cultural evolution